Friday, November 17, 2006

Need Bible pictures?

Don't forget to check out the 'Bible picture site'
We now have a new domain name ''. This will be the web address of our 'new U.S. site' based in Philadelphia. This site will be in U.S. dollars and should provide an even better service to all our customers in the U.S. At the moment this address will connect to the main 'Visual Impact Resources' site, until the new site is complete.

We have already completed over 100 stories from the Old and New Testaments! They include over 640 pictures so far.
Each picture is hand drawn with brush and ink and digitally rendered.
All our picture sets are available as immediate downloads, for when you need those Bible pictures quickly!
Alternatively, you can order each picture set in A3 poster form. For those of you who are outside the U.K. A3 is 420mm x 297mm or 11 1/2x16 1/2 inches. The posters can be mounted onto a flipchart pad or laminated and used as flashcards.

We also have a range of 'Amazing 3D Bible pictures' available as Powerpoints or posters, for use with 3D glasses! Why not buy all the kids in your Sunday school/kids club a 3D viewer from 'here'. Then download a 'Bible story in Amazing 3D' from our 3D PowerPoints!
Our childrens 3D Bible storybooks make great Christmas presents too. There are 4 titles, and each book comes with a free 3D viewer!

Related posts:
How to use our Bible pictures
Bible pictures on the net!
Can you help?


  1. Hi Charles
    Thanks for that. Wow! that's some achievement! Reading notes on the whole of Scripture!
    I will be referring to them, many thanks.
    God bless

  2. Anonymous9:03 pm

    I hope you find the notes helpful. I've started posting some different notes (so far, Genesis 1-32) on a new blog -
    May the Lord bless you & make you a blessing to others.

  3. Thanks again Charlie!
    You have an excellent choice of books on your blog. I also like A W Tozer!

  4. Anonymous7:32 pm

    I'm glad you find the list of books interesting.

  5. I'm just reading John Bunyan's 'Holy War' at the moment. I'm surprised that no one has turned 'Pilgrims progress' into a sci fi graphic novel yet.
    Maybe they have and I've not seen it.

  6. Anonymous12:42 am

    I've closed the earlier blogs. Yiou can find my new blog here.

  7. Two of the blogs that I mentioned in the first comment are now available again. They are Christ in all the Scriptures and The Theology of G C Berkouwer.

  8. Hi Graham! Is your 3D series still available? I'd love to get it!

  9. Hi Kel
    I think that all our 3D stuff is still available, it's just that it hasn't been added to our updated website as yet.
    Again, I would ask you to contact Jem Hudson at the Foundation Matters website and he should be able to help you out.
    Many thanks again.
