Alec Garrards Temple Model
In my quest to find out more about the Temple I purchased a copy of Alec Garrard's book 'The Splendor of the Temple', (available from Amazon). Suffolk farmer Alec Garrard devoted 18 years to creating a scale model of Herod's Temple which is reputed to be the best in the world! The model measures 20 feet by 12 feet in size. The book contains detailed photos of the model from all angles so it's a great reference guide for Bible artists. This model really has to be seen to be believed. Every single clay brick used in the construction of this model was hand baked in Mr Garrard's oven! The book describes in detail every area of the Temple both above and below ground and suggests the areas of the Temple where the various Bible stories took place.

After all, as I've already mentioned, it was almost completely destroyed by the Roman army in A.D. 70! Although there is very little detailed information recorded in the Bible about Herod's Temple, there are several reliable sources that describe in detail what the Temple looked like. The following sources were used by those involved in reconstructing scale models of Herod's Temple:
Firstly, they had the writings of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus who lived during the time of Herod's Temple and witnessed it's destruction. To give you some idea of the exorbitant sums Herod spent on the Temple, Josephus speaks of marble being "overlaid with gold!"
The Mishnah, which is a codification of the oral Jewish law, was also a rich source of information for researchers regarding the Temple.
In addition to this, they had of course all the archaeological evidence, and the writings of expert archaeologists like Dan Bahat and Dr Leen Ritmeyer who I believe have written much about the Temple complex. Alfred Edersheim's book 'The Temple: It's Ministry and Services' also proved helpful to researchers and model makers alike.
Architectural details
I've been reading about ancient Jewish Art to try and get an idea of what type of images would be found decorating the interior walls of the Temple. I mentioned in an earlier post that the 'Star of David' was not used till much later but images of seven stick menorahs have been found carved in stone from this period and earlier.
There is some surviving stonework from the Temple that shows that the Herodian craftsmen were careful to use decorative styles that conformed to Jewish law, (no figurative representation). Any figurative representation would contravene the second commandment. Instead elaborate floral motifs were used which included Vine and Acanthus leaves. Later, in the 3rd and 4th cent A.D, when Jewish art became more Hellenised, figures in a Hellenistic-Persian style were found in synagogues, both on floor mosaics and wall frescos.
in I Kings 7:25. The walls of Solomon's Temple had embroidered tapestries of cherubim hanging on them, and of course we read in Exodus 26 of the artistic designs of cherubim being woven into the curtain of the tabernacle. (See the 'Drawing Cherubs' post). I would like to find out more about the internal furnishings of the Temple, so if you know of any good books or links, please let me know.

There's only one difference that I've noticed between these models, and that is the design of the four giant 'Lamp stands' that stood in the 'Women's Court'. I can only assume that the descriptions given of them in the sources mentioned above were unclear.
Related posts:
Interview with Dr Leen Ritmeyer
Herod's Temple Mount model update
Great research Graham. You've answered many questions.
id like to suggest you read the text "THEQUEST" by LEEN RITMEYER publ. by CARTA & LAMB FOUNDATION. hE ASSISTED IN TEH DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODEL IN EAST ANGLIA. He is an archeologist who worked with mazar on the templemout southern wall. this is the best text on the topic . it has received apporval even in some otthodos rabbinical circles
I'll try and get a hold of a copy of 'The Quest'.
Thanks Gerold.
Hi Graham,
We have just returned to the UK from Australia. Our container, which has a supply of our book 'The Quest - Revealing the Temple Mount in Jerusalem' (440 pages and over 400 colour illustrations, including many reconstruction drawings and pics of models), should arrive in about a week's time.
If you are interested in acquiring a copy of my book book, please send a cheque for £30.00+£5.00 for postage to:
Leen Ritmeyer
4 Glastonbury Road
Sully CF64 5PZ
Vale of Glamorgan
South Wales
Leen Ritmeyer
Wow! Dr Ritmeyer! It's an honor to hear from you on the blog. I will definitely be ordering a copy so please save me one!
I've been in touch from time to time with Professor Todd Bolan who you may have known when you were in Israel. He has helped answer many of my questions.
I really look forward to receiving your book. I hope that you'll keep in touch and check out the blog when you get a minute.
Many thanks again!
Thanks for this!
And also thanks for pointing out William Hole. Googling him I'm finding out that he made awesome works!
Yes indeed Nikolaj. I'll be writing more about William Hole soon.
Ooh, cool!
And maybe you could one day do Caravaggio too! (Even though it's more fine art then illustration of course)
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