I've been in discussion with Randolph Capp from the United Bible Societies about the possibility of jointly running an 'International Bible Art Competition' for children. The idea is to encourage the Bible artists of the future!
The competition would be open to children of all ages and from all countries, and would be judged by an international panel of Bible artists. We have not as yet discussed this in detail so I don't know what the prizes might include, or how many age groups the competition could be divided into. The brief would probably be:
"Draw a Bible picture based on any story in the Bible, and include a brief description".
I would also like any Bible Artists who would be willing to be on the international panel of judges to contact me. This is in the very early stages and so it may or may not materialize. If you have any ideas or suggestions about how the competition might work, or what the prizes could be, let me know, and I will forward your emails on to Randolph.
Many thanks.
Picture © Natalie Thrall 2009
Oooooh! That would be sooooo cool!!!
I would definitely include a digital art category. To limit it to traditional art media would limit the scope of the competition. Whether we like it or not digital art will be one of the dominant mediums of the future.
And you already include digital colouring in your art Graham.
I agree, this does sound cool. Children are the future, and encouraging them to create Bible art may very well lead to the next generation of Bible artists.
Digital is also the future, but traditional work still has to be the backbone. I inspired one of my young cousins just by having him play around with my 3D program when he visited. He quickly decided it was more fun than video games. I gave him the link to download Blender but told him to focus on drawing, because that will greatly enhance his modeling.
I don't know what level he's at, but I'll be certain to pass this on to him if it gets going.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Yes, a digital art category would be a good idea. It would need to be a separate category as many of the children who might enter an international competition like this would probably not have access to a computer.
Thanks too, to all the Bible Artists who have contacted me wishing to be on the international panel of judges. If the competition goes ahead I'll be in touch.
I want to ask you will you held the same drawing competition for next year?
thanks a lot
Hello Anonymous!
The competition isn't planned as yet, and so it might be next year before anything happens anyway.
Watch this space!
What about a Manga category? That would be very popular with the teens and the category could be judged by a Japanese Manga artist!
Could you inform me if you hold this art competition this year ? Thanks. ira_santoso@yahoo.com
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