Sunday, October 24, 2010

Four dates for your diary!

I've received a number of emails recently regarding various Bible Art/Archaelogy events that readers of this blog might be interested to attend. Three of these events are in the U.S. and one in the U.K. I'll list them in descending date order:

October 2010
First of all, our good friend and Bible artist Nahum HaLevi is holding a one man show displaying 25 of his paintings at The Singer Gallery of the Mizel Arts and Cultural Center in Denver Colorado. The exhibition is titled 'Splendor and Awe : The Visionary Midrash of Nahum HaLevi' and will run from October 28, 2010 -January 2, 2011. Another of Nahum's paintings 'The Family Abramovich: The offered, the parched and the disinherited' is on display as part of a mega one year long exhibition at The American Visionary Art Museum. The exhibition is titled 'What makes us Smile?' and is co-curated by Matt Groening (creator of the Simpsons). This exhibition also starts October 2010, and runs until September 2011.
Picture above © Nahum HaLevi 2010

November 2010
Alicia Bregon from the Biblical Archaeology Society emailed me with details of the 13th Annual Bible and Archaeology Fest, to be held at the Westin Peachtree Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia on November 19–21, 2010.
"Twenty leading scholars will convene from around the world to share their research with the public in a dynamic seminar series designed specifically for the interested lay person. Concurrent sessions over the three-day period will address the latest developments in the fields of early Christianity, Gnostic scholarship, the Hebrew Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient Israel and Biblical archaeology. For thirteen years, the Biblical Archaeology Society is proud to be the only organization to bring current Biblical research to the general public straight from the scholars who are at the forefront of their fields.
Open to the public, this 3-day Bible and Archaeology Fest program will feature 20 of the most distinguished scholars from around the world covering topics from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the latest archaeological discoveries".

For full details of the conference and the scheduled lectures, contact Alicia Bregon.

December 2010
Finally, Dr Rina Arya emailed me with details of a conference to be held on 10-11 December 2010 titled 'Contemplations of the Spiritual in Contemporary Art'. The conference will take place in Liverpool Cathedral, St James Mount, Liverpool, LI 7AZ, U.K.
"The history of Western art comes out of a Judaeo-Christian legacy and for centuries the relationship between religion and art was close. It is only in fairly recent times, since the beginning of modernism and the advent of contemporary art, that the two have been considered apart. In this conference we are going to build on this theme by placing religion (which is taken in its more inclusive sense to refer to the spiritual) in dialogue with contemporary art. We look forward to the fruitful interdisciplinary debates that will ensue".
Keynote speakers are: James Elkins (School of the Art Institute of Chicago), John Harvey (University of Aberystwyth), Graham Howes (University of Cambridge) and David Jasper (University of Glasgow).

For more information about the conference please contact the conference organisers.

If anyone is able to attend any of the events above, maybe you could leave a comment on this post to let us know how it went. Many thanks!

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