Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Belated Christmas Greetings!

Belated Christmas greetings to all our readers! Sorry this is late but due to family illnesses etc blogging has fallen down to the bottom of my priority list! A belated Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish readers also!
I will be uploading a new Bible artist interview hopefully in the next few days so look out for that.

The painting here is by James J. Tissot and is titled 'Joseph Seeks a Lodging At Bethlehem'. I am hoping to blog about the Bible Art of JJ Tissot soon. Thanks also for your Christmas cards.


  1. Greetings to you and yours also Graham. And a very happy new year as well.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  3. Anonymous5:22 am

    That is one beautiful painting, wow.
    Hope you had a merry Christmas Graham :)

  4. Merry christmas to all! Yes it is a lovely painting Matt.
