Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Annie Valloton - At home with her Lord.

Annie Vallotton, illustrator of the iconic images in American Bible Society’s Good News Bible, died in France on December 28, 2013 at the age of 98. The publisher HarperCollins has identified Vallotton as the best-selling artist of all time, thanks largely to the success of the Good News Bible, of which more than 225 million copies have been distributed since its release in 1966.

Annie Vallotton, who was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, dedicated her life to finding ways to share the Bible’s message in a clear, simple way. In addition to the Good News Bible, Vallotton illustrated other Christian books, including Who Are You Jesus? and From the Apple to the Moon. From the American Bible Societies website

We sent Annie a christmas card which included all of the recent comments that readers have left on the 'Annie Vallotton interview' post. Annie replied via her sister-in-law Heidi, (as Annie was getting weak). They sent us a lovely card and letter on the 17th December - she passed away just over a week later. Our condolences go to the Vallotton family.

There are some exciting things about to happen within the next month or so regarding Annie's life and work which I am not at liberty to mention just yet. As soon as I get the 'thumbs up' from HarperCollins I will tell you all about it!

If you would like to leave a comment/tribute on this post, I will gladly send them on to the family. If you haven't read the full interview with Annie yet, Click here. She was a very special lady.

Annie Vallotton

21 February 1915 - 28 December 2013.

At home with her Lord.


  1. Good to see you back Graham.

  2. Thanks Paul, Yes, 2013 was not a good year healthwise! I was just in the middle of emailing you with the full story.

    I'm really going to try and blog more....honest!

  3. Yes, good to see you back, Graham. Prayerful this year will be good for all. Have missed your input.

  4. Okay, I'll try again. Glad to see you back as well, Graham. Prayerful that this year will be good for all. If this is stuttering, I'm quite sure you will take care of the problem. LOL ;) (Trust me, I'm not a robot. I have been called a number of things...robot has not been one of them.)

  5. Take care, Graham. Ya'll are in my prayers.

  6. Thanks Deboraw, I really appreciate it.
