Saturday, April 04, 2015

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our readers and Best wishes for Passover to our Jewish readers.


  1. Good day, Graham. Indeed, hallelujah, what a Savior. Have a good week, friend.

  2. Hi Deboraw - good to hear from you!

  3. Good to see you back!

  4. Beautiful lighting in this illustration, and as always amazing detail!
    I haven't been on this site for a few years, been busy doing other things, but it looks like you haven't posted for a while either.
    Are you still illustrating the Bible?

  5. Hi Matt,
    Good to hear from you again. Many thanks for the feedback. Yes I'm still illustrating the Bible. (Working on David and Goliath at the moment). Yes it's been a while since I've updated the blog. We started the blog initially to bring people to the V.I.R. website (now We soon realised though, even after getting to the number 1 spot on Google searches for 'Bible pictures' that this did nothing to help sales as most people were looking for free Bible pictures.

    I'm producing wide screen Bible pictures now that are much more detailed but these are only being seen at the children's camps at Pine Lake. (Not viewable online). Since freebibleimages set up shop there has been no demand on the internet for new original Bible art and so many Bible art producers have shut down which is sad.
