in picture one, I've illustrated mothers with their children gathered around the Lord Jesus, as this story directly follows the story of 'Jesus blessing the Children' in Luke 18.
The story takes place in an unnamed village somewhere between Galilee, (Lk 17:11), & Jericho (Lk 18:35).
You will notice that I have added techailet stripes to the tallit of the Lord Jesus, and if you look very closely, you can see one techailet thread in each tzitzit on the tallit!
If you're confused, then you need to read my next post on the Jewish prayer shawl!
In picture 3, There is a look of astonishment on the faces of some, as the Lord Jesus allows such a sincere enquirer to walk away!
There are three pictures in this story which brings our total 'Bible picture count' to 679!
Posts on other Bible stories
Blind Bartimaeus
Crucifixion part 1
Crucifixion part 2
On the road to Emmaus
The Nativity
Raising Lazarus
Woman taken in Adultery
Wonderful piece. I love how you have the children in the picture – foreshadowing what comes next. I also like the expressions of the people. Most of the people have their heads covered, even the children. It is like...even the children know they are in the presence of something special. I really like the small boy. We know boys are especially rambunctious. It seems that he does not quite know what to make of the man before him. Yet, he has his head covered, as if to signify due reverence... or something. Great stuff!!! And I like your attention to the prayer shawl. I just wish I could see bigger pics...
Thanks horseman.
I added the stripes on the prayer shawl just for you! (Just kidding).
Thanks also for bringing our attention to the stripes on the talit, as it's made an interesting study for the next post.
(I thought it was interesting anyway!)
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