Today is the official 1st birthday of the 'Bible illustration blog'.
A total of 12,876 visitors have read 37,925 articles in the last 12 months!
I would like to give a big thanks to all the regular readers & contributors, and look forward, God willing, to posting more new articles, interviews and reviews over the coming months.
Many thanks & best wishes to all!
Update:1st Nov 2007
Readership of the blog continues to grow steadily. In the month of October just gone, we had 2,219 visitors who viewed 6,720 pages! That's roughly 550 visitors a week, and 699 more visitors than last month!
Congratulations Graham on a job well done. Keep up the good work.
Happy birth day B.I.B. Wow, that is great. About 1000 people a month come here. Poplular Church this is...
I want to say more about the post before, and will do so later - busy, busy lately.
Great Site you have here Graham, Congratulations!
I wonder if you could help me out here. For this year's Christmas, I am planning a fun night for the children (age 5 to 13). I'd like to have a theme 'A Night In Bethlehem' and have them be a Hebrew girl or boy, by having them posing in the first century Jewish's garment; and I would take a picture of each of them and give them by the end of the night, as souvenir to take home.
I am looking for a prop, a photo montage or something in that nature that I can enlarge to life size for the children to stand behind and with their faces showing through.
Have you come across such pictures or photo that I could use Graham?
Thanks again for this Site.
My apologies to everyone for being so slow to answer comments recently.
One of my daughters, Natalie, got married on Saturday, (Oct 6th), so as you can imagine, it's been hectic! The wedding went great and Natalie looked beautiful!
(We received your wedding card today Paul, many thanks).
Many thanks for the birthday congrats! Glad to hear that you're busy horseman.
Does this mean that we can look forward to seeing some new Bible artwork soon?
Hello Vinh
Always nice to hear from a new reader. I'll have a look what I have in my files.
I might be able to help you out. I'll email you when I've had a search.
Hello Graham,
Thanks for your sharing a wonderful work. The Bible illustration is well-done.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Hello Sister Theresa
Lovely to receive a comment all the way from Vietnam!
Many thanks for your kind comments, and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year also.
Keep in touch!
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