You may have noticed a couple of recent additions to the 'Bible illustration blog'.
I have been slowly adding 'Related links' to the end of each post. Also, I have now added a 'Posts grouped by Topic' section, which you will find in the right hand column just below the pale blue WCPE link banner.
This should make it a lot easier for you to find the subjects that I've blogged about. e.g. If you are interested in posts that relate to 'Biblical buildings' or the 'Ark of the Covenant' they can now be easily found grouped into topics in this section!
Although it was possible to find all the posts in the 'Archives' section it was not possible to view them by topic. Now you can! This is a work in progress as only two thirds of the posts have been added to this section so far, so keep an eye out for new topics!
Both these additions will hopefully further enhance your browsing experience of the B.I.B. Since adding these two additions I've noticed that the average time spent on the site has almost doubled! So these may be a helpful tips for other bloggers.
The Bible picture above is from the story of the 'Temptation of Jesus' which is not finished as yet. Dr Leen Ritmeyers superb book on Herod's Temple, (The Quest), has been a great help for this particular story. I will be blogging about 'The Quest' and the 'Temptation' story soon.
Related posts:
New 'Search' feature!
New 'Bible Artist' list
I like your illustration Graham. Especially the temptation backdrop and the foreground hand of the tempter. It creates a dream-like, quality. And it's true that Jesus being bombarded with such tempting imagery would have created a surreal atmosphere. I look forward to seeing the completed illustration and hope you don't spoil it with overworking. It looks finished as it stands.
Oops! The illustration is completed but the story isn't!:)))
Thanks Paul. Actually, that one is finished, it's the set of pictures that aren't complete yet! There will be 5 in the set and I've only done 2.
You posted seconds before I did!
Yes, It took a while to decide just how to depict this scene. I started with just surreal swirls and colors before deciding to overlay them with images that would suggest the different empires of the time and the glory of them.
Above all, I wanted the imagery to look attractive.
Graham, I do think your new additions on how to research (?)topics has helped. I'm thinking I've probably been half of your 'searchers' just looking. As some have pointed out in other comments, most illustrations don't fit Bible stories accurately. Being one who actually reads the Bible, I know that and it leaves me two options, well maybe three; close eyes and use what is available, re-work most everything, or don't use anything. Levi has been having fun and should be getting close to sending something. Please be kind with 'poor excuse' for an artist. Smile. Deboraw
P.S. The poor excuse is me. Levi has done some landscapes, but portraits, so he is really learning, (and not from an expert) very embarrassed face. Deboraw
Looking forward to seeing some of your work Deboraw! (and Levi).
There is a forth option. You could always check out to see if the story you want is available from the 'Bible Picture Website.com' The only problem is that our more detailed and researched pictures are limited to New Testament stories at the moment. The reason being that, since we adopted the new style, we have been putting together a Bible exhibition based on the New Testament. I am looking forward however to redoing the Old Testament stories in the new style!
I said to my son, Nathan, "I spent an hour looking for camels for my class. Do you think I could find camels? No, but I found lots of donkeys!" He said, "Well, there you go, Mom. All you needed to do was draw two humps on the back of the donkeys and call it good." What a son, smile. Computers just don't like me. Yes, I have looked into the fourth option, and continue to do so. I'm going to be going into the New Testament, sooo. Anyway, feel I must apologize. Didn't mean no one else 'reads their Bible', just that as you mentioned in an earlier post, when any one reads their Bible over and over, the text begins to soak in. And a person begins to ask questions, like why do the illustrations all show Benjamin as a young child visiting Joseph in Egypt? Ishmael wasn't a baby when Hagar cries, "I can't watch the death of 'the child', etc.
Your blog has been very helpful, and enjoyable. It is one of the few I read pertnear every day. Smile
Thanks Deboraw!
They are both very good points that you make about Benjamin and Ishmael! Thanks for that.
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