Yes, the Bible illustration blog was officially two years old on the 3rd October!
Readership of the blog continues to grow steadily each month. We now have over 1,000 visitors every week! I would like to take this opportunity again to say a big "Thank you" to all the readers and contributors, and I look forward, God willing, to posting more new articles, interviews and book reviews in the coming months.
When I started the B.I.B. two years ago, I only expected that a handful of Bible artists would ever visit. I never dreamt that University professors, Lecturers and Archeologists would eventually form part of the regular readership! I've been amazed by the amount of interest that the blog has received.
There are 112 posts to date which means that I add just over one post per week on average, so make sure that you visit at least once a week to check it out!
If you're a new visitor to this blog, you can find all the past posts in the 'Posts by Topic' section in the right hand column.
Many thanks again for your support of the B.I.B.
Graham, Congratulations! What a milestone. Keep up the good work. Smile--Deboraw
Dear Graham,
Amen to Deboraw's comment. Great job!
Well done Graham. This blog is proving to be an essential source of reference for all matters regarding Biblical illustration. It's also a great source for writers and anyone studying life in Biblical times.
What a wonderfully unique site! Thanks for putting it together.
Thanks for all your comments! It's always nice to hear from a new visitor too, (thanks Jailer).
This site has been a wonderful asset for me with what I'm doing.
Thank you for making this, Graham, and I look forward to many more milestones for the B.I.B.
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