Have you had a look along the shelfs of your local newsagents shop recently?
It's amazing just how many different topics are covered by magazines nowadays. There seems to be a magazine for literally every taste!
I was very excited last week when I came across 'Biblical illustrator' magazine!
My first thoughts were "Wow! They've brought out a magazine for Bible illustrators!" However, on closer inspection, I realized that 'Biblical illustrator magazine' is not actually intended for Bible illustrators, It's for anyone interested in Bible study. (Which is just as well as there are not that many Bible illustrators around!) Having said that, It is most likely a great magazine for Bible illustrators.
'Biblical Illustrator' Magazine, (which has been in existence since 1974), is available quarterly and contains "vivid portraits of Bible lands, people and customs. Maps, and breathtaking color photos!" The magazine is published by Lifeway, and also includes "well-researched articles related to Lifeway Sunday School lessons".
See some sample articles in pdf format here, and here.
This looks like a really interesting magazine! Also available is 'Biblical illustrator plus' which is a CD-ROM "that provides content identical to the magazine, plus quick access to more than 200 pages of study material and much more".
I'm ordering my copy now!
Talk about a misleading title. The term "Illustrator" is almost always used in relation to an artist. Yet this is clearly a photographic magazine illustrating bible subjects. Cheaper to buy a top class photographic encyclopedia on the subject. Could work out expensive over time buying individual magazines.
The Reader's Digest book "Jesus and His Times" is highly recommended.
Thank you, Paul. That is a good thought! Deboraw
Yes, thanks for that Paul. I do have a copy of The Reader's Digest book "Jesus and His Times" and yes, it is a helpful book.
The only problem with most Bible Encyclopedias is that because they cover so much stuff they are limited to just the basic info on each subject. The articles in The Biblical illustrator look quite lengthy, and detailed.
If it's been going since 1974 they must have produced close to 140 magazines! That would take up about two feet of shelf space! They should produce binders (like 'Look & Learn') to keep the whole magazine collection in!
If the magazine contained more actual illustrations, it would be very similar to what 'Look & Learn' tried to do with 'The Bible Story'. This would also tie-in better with the magazine title too!
Yes having just written an Encyclopedia format book myself I understand what you mean. Encyclopedia's are good starting points for further detailed research. But collecting magazines over decades can cost a small fortune. I've collected enough myself and spent a small fortune! :)) And binders would be a great idea for ease of reference and storage.
The problem with magazines--for me that is--they take up so much space, and finding what I'm looking for when I'm looking for it. Index--is it es or ices--An index is helpful, of course. And then there is the issue of the 'small fortune'.
Actually Deboraw, that's a very good point!
The main reason that I don't use 'The Bible Story' magazine collection as much as I did for reference is because, even though they are kept in a binder, It still takes ages to find the picture that you're looking for!
There's no index!
Having said that, the reason that we buy any magazine is because we enjoy reading them. Also, as these magazines are quarterly, you have lots of time to digest the contents. Referring back to a particular article might not be easy, but I'm sure that you would still retain a lot of relevant info.
You could also tear out relevant articles and file them in a reference system!
Thank you for highlighting Biblical Illustrator magazine on your blog! I believe it is truly one of the finest pieces that LifeWay produces! It offers articles that cover topics such as biblical archaeology, history, geography, persons and peoples, and Hebrew and Greek word studies.
The purpose of the magazine is to provide background information that supports our weekly Bible study curriculum. We want to explain with words and images various topics that relate to that week's Bible study topic.
About the name - half of the real estate on the page is dedicated to words and the other half to photographs, images, and art. Thus the piece is biblical —— illustrator.
The majority of our writers are college and seminary professors. Many others are pastors. Each have an area of expertise that makes them uniquely qualified to write on their specific topic.
Anyway, Biblical Illustrator is a great piece! And again, I appreciate your highlighting it on your blog.
G.B. Howell, Jr.
Lead Content Editor
Biblical Illustrator
PS And for people who have collected Biblical Illustrator magazine for some years, we do have an on-line listing of our articles - like a card catalog. It's at www.lifeway.com/downloads
BELOW the picture - click Adults - and you will see the indices of our articles.
Many thanks for that info GB! It does look like a magazine that will be of great interest to the Bible illustrator.
Thank you for your blog in general. I found it while googling for biblical illustrations. I graduated with my bachelors in History and I am studying now for my Masters in Historical Theology. I always envied the Osprey Publishing Series because of their illustrations. I hope to be able to come across something eventually that will lead me to similar biblical material; when things settle down for me I hope to explore your blog more thoroughly!
Thanks Anonymous. Look forward to hearing from you again.
Yes the 'Men-at-Arms' series by Osprey publishing is very well illustrated and a number of them are very useful for reference to the Bible illustrator. One of the artists is Angus McBride who has also illustrated one of the children's Bibles in my collection.
I recently found "The Women of the Bible" which had been buried in my garage some some 30 years and whilst the cover is faded and worn I am amzed at how vibrant the 24 colour reproductions of Harold Copping's paintings are.
Thanks Pamelaoz. I haven't come across "The Women of the Bible". I suspect that the publisher has reused the pictures from the Copping Bible. It would be interesting to see though.
Thank you for your reply. "The Women of the Bible" is by The Marquess & Marchioness of Aberdeen & Tremair With reproductions of the Paintings of Harold Copping. Published by The Religious Tract Society-London but there is no publication date. I have ordered some Archival tissue as the pages are showing some acid damage but so far no migration onto the colour plates and I am hoping if I put the tissue between the pages it may not get aby worse. There must have been tissue in originally as it has powdered with age. Pity we don't live closer so you could see it.
Whereabouts on the globe are you Pamelaoz?
I'm at the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.
Ah right. Yes, Australia is a bit far away from me. I'll have to keep an eye out for a copy on Ebay!
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