Happy Hanukkah to all our Jewish readers!
My apologies that things have been quiet on the blog. This has been due to me having extra responsibilities recently looking after elderly relatives. This has meant that I've had no spare time to blog! However, I now have about seven posts ready to type up when I get a minute, (hopefully this weekend), so watch this space! My apologies also for being slow in answering your emails and comments on the blog. I will get around to this! Thanks for your patience.
I'm prayerful that you take the time to enjoy your elderly relatives. My husband's father is going on 91, and even though he can't remember what you just told him, if you get him to telling about when he was younger, it is just so much fun. A person you never knew existed is inside that old person. He's so much fun! Smile--Deboraw
Old is a state of mind and a fact of the body. But many older people (I'm old to a 20 year-old!) are far more interesting than youngsters.
I hate the word old because it implies out-of-date or stale. Our society gives too much glory to the young "beautiful" people who have achieved little and discards decades of experience because the "old" are no longer photogenic or sexy.
Talking of age - myself and my wife Bev were in Lynchburg's Liberty University library today doing some research for a new book.
We were surrounded by students. I felt like an aging professor! LOL My college days don't feel too long ago until I surround myself with young students. Time moves on.
You'd love the library Graham. The largest collection of theological and Christian books I've seen in one place.
Yes my mother-in-law is 88 and she has lots of stories about growing up in the twenties in Winnipeg Canada. She also has the memory problems now but we are doing our best to keep her in her own home where she's happiest.
I know what you mean Paul! I went to a school reunion a couple of years ago but it was full of old blokes!
It's interesting that we have focused on age here because that is the subject of one of the up-coming posts.
Your mother-in-law is 88? How time flies. I still recall her from the time I worked in Uppermill Graham and saw her when I visited your home. Sorry to hear she's having problems with her memory. Give her my best wishes.
Will do Paul thanks!
Now the new catch phrase is 'character counts' since schools have tried to remove God. When I look at my father-in-law I see a character based on Bible standards. Going into a horrible war, not knowing if he would come back, but doing his duty never-the-less. Coming home to face other problems, raising and providing for his family...then when he is older, having lost most of his eyesight, and knowing he is losing his memory, still making tough decisions for his and Mom's safety... When I think of all that he has been through, and so many others like him, I'm overwhelmed. Deboraw
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