You will probably have noticed the recently added list of 'Bible Artists'.
(Green box, right hand column).
I originally intended this to be a 'Bible Artist blogroll', but I soon found out that there are very few Bible artists with a blog! And the few Bible artists that did have a blog, were not blogging about Bible art!
So, I decided to change it to a list of Bible artist links.
Bible Artists
To be included on this list, you need to have either, illustrated a Bible, or have a website with your own Bible art displayed. If that's you, send me an email with your details.
Christian Artists
I also noticed that there are many good Christian artists that don't necessarily have Bible art displayed on their websites. This list is to include them!
Jewish Bible Art
I thought it would be nice to include some Jewish Bible art, so if you're Jewish, and have your own Bible art displayed on your website, send me an email with your details.
Don't forget to vote in the Poll! (Blue box, right hand column).