I had forgotten how amazing the artwork was!
'Look & Learn' was an educational magazine for children produced in the sixties.
We collected every issue as kids, and kept them in the special binders provided.
'The Bible Story' was produced by the same publisher although I don't recall it. (If anyone has any back issues, I'd be very interested).
You can see from the sample above, (from lookandlearn.com), that the Bible illustrations were superb. The above picture was by an artist called Hayes, (image © 'Look & Learn' Magazine Ltd). Does anyone have any info about this artist? Clive Uptton was also one of the Look & Learn artists.
The artwork in Look & Learn was provided by the cream of British illustrators, and can be viewed at lookandlearn.com . I also include a link to the Look & Learn blog in my newly started 'Blogroll' below. Enjoy!